Bav Media specialises in selling real-life stories to newspapers and women's magazines.
Hello MagazineBella Magazine Best Magazine Chat Magazine Thats Life Magazine Pick Me Up Magazine Take A Break Magazine Womans Own Magazine

If you have a story to sell do get in touch. We have good contacts at all the above magazines:

My Son Died For 10 Minutes
My Son Died For 10 Minutes
Healthy teenager James Doherty suffered a heart attack while playing tennis and died for 15 minutes but miraculously survived.

Bav Media helped mum Sarah sell her story to My Weekly.
Puppies Taught My Son to Love
Puppies Taught My Son to Love
Button the Dalmatian broke the world record by producing a massive 33 puppies in just two separate litters.

Bav Media helped owner Nicola Morley sell her story to My Weekly.
There Is A Town At The Bottom of My Garden
There Is A Town At The Bottom of My Garden
Childhood sweethearts Stanley and Christine Buck have kept their love alive by spending a massive 20 years building a model based on the town where they first met.

Bav Media helped them sell their story to My Weekly.
My Husband Has Built Me a Mini M&S
My Husband Has Built Me a Mini M&S
Simon Grimmett, 45, who has emigrated to America, built a miniature Marks & Spencer at the bottom of his garden so his homesick wife can visit the shop every day.

Bav Media helped him sell his story to My Weekly..
I'm the World's Oldest Barmaid
I'm the World's Oldest Barmaid
Dolly Saville, 95, has become the oldest barmaid in the world. She still works at The Red Lion Hotel in Wendover, Bucks, where she has been for 69 years since 1940.

Bav Media helped her sell her story to My Weekly.
Furry Friends Forever
Furry Friends Forever
Terminally ill Jayne Jubb is having all her beloved pets tattooed on her body so she can take them with her when she dies.

Bav Media helped her sell her story to Pick Me Up.
Litter of Love Lessons
Litter of Love Lessons
Button the Dalmatian broke the world record by producing a massive 33 puppies in just two separate litters.

Bav Media helped owner Nicola Morley sell her story to Take A Break.
The New Piggy Prezzies
The New Piggy Prezzies
Tiny pigs the size of tea cups are the latest pet craze sweeping across Britain. Jane Croft gave up a £50,000 a year job to breed the tiny pigs, which are hugely popular.

Her story appeared in Woman's Own.
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