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The GRANDSON of vicious swan Mr Asbo was seen terrorising a Cambridge University STUDENT who got too near to his family.

The savage swan, who was nicknamed Asbaby as a youngster when he pecked punters on the famous Backs, was spotted attacking the male student, who was having a swim. The feathered fiend, who is now a fully-fledged swan, was seen hissing at the undergraduate, who was taking a dip in the water.

Asbaby flapped his wings and flew at the frightened student who struggled to swim away as the bird got nearer. The bird was later joined by his partner and cygnets and continued to bully the student until he managed to scramble out of the river with help from his friends. The student looked relieved as he made it onto the riverbank and escaped the bad-tempered bird.

366 3 Cam Uni Swan

Asbaby is now believed to be even more vicious than his grandfather Mr Asbo, who was moved to a secret location by the river authorities in 2012 after he repeatedly attacked rowers. He is thought to have inherited his vicious nature from his grandfather, as well as his dad Asboy, who conducted a reign of terror on the river in 2014. The Cam Conservators moved Mr Asbo to a secret location about 60 miles away in 2012 because they said his behaviour was risking the safety of river users as well as himself. His behaviour left dozens of rowers with cuts and bruises and a special marshall even had to be employed during a university rowing race to prevent him from injuring the students.

In 2015 Asboy was seen attacking punters, birds and even a cow. He also injured a canoeist and a swimmer.

Our Story Appeared In

Daily Express Daily Mail  The Daily Star   Metro The Daily Telegraph  TheSun
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