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A council has released a YouTube video tutorial explaining how to use a CYCLOPS road junction in Cambridge THREE YEARS after it was installed because residents are still struggling.

The Greater Cambridge Partnership has created a video showing residents how to approach and safely use the Cycling Optimised Protected Signals junction on Histon Road, which separates pedestrians and cyclists from motorised traffic. The junction is the first of its kind in the UK outside Greater Manchester, where it was originally conceived and prioritises the safety of people walking and cycling.

It was opened in October 2021 and features a protected cycle lane which encircles the junction, keeping cyclists separate from both motor traffic and pedestrians. People cycling can make a signal-free left turn at any point or use the dedicated cycle buttons to access the green phase of traffic signals, allowing them to make a right turn or travel straight on without having to mix with vehicles.

Pedestrians cross at the same time as cyclists, but on a separate ring of paths in the middle of the junction, whilst zebra crossings on each side provide a safe place to cross the cycle lane.

The two-minute video, which has already had more than 3,000 views, describes exactly how cyclists, motorists and pedestrians should use the junction. It has also been released in preparation for a second CYCLOPS road junction on Milton Road on the edge of the city.

Ian Anderson wrote on Facebook: “I can’t help but think that if it needs a video tutorial to explain how to use the thing, it’s inherently dangerous. What about people travelling from elsewhere? What about the habit of Cambridge cyclists to ignore the rules of the road like red lights?”

Caroline Sanderson said of the new Milton Road junction: “Looks like an absolute nightmare! I shall avoid it like the plague. The 'magic roundabout' on Queen Edith’s Way is bad enough, so dangerous.”

Our Story Appeared In

The Daily Telegraph

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